he book describes a real domotic system, made from zero, working since 8 years. It provides electric schemes, home automation components to utilize and software tailor made for iOS and... [button text="read the full article" link="http://www.aheadsrl.com/wordpress/elements_of_domotic" style="primary" size="normal" target="_blank" display="inline" icon="no"]
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About: ivan cerrato
Recent Posts by ivan cerrato
cr_002 the excavator.
cr_002 is a whim. What? Is a whim? Yes. My son had a broken toy, an excavator toy, which when working, was managed by a wired controller. But before starting this challenge the wired controller was lost. So the toy was as you see in the picture below. [button text="read the full article" link="http://www.aheadsrl.com/articles/electronic/cr_002/cr_002/cr_002.html"…
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BeagleBoneBlack and Sensirion SHT71. Advanced humidity-temperature measurement system.
This article provides a way to realize an advanced and reliable system to monitor the humidity and temperature of a weathered environment but where the accuracy of temperature and humidity measure is a must. [button text="read the full article" link="http://www.aheadsrl.com/articles/domotic/bbb_sht_71/bbb_sht_71.html" style="primary" size="normal" target="_blank" display="inline" icon="no"]
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Make a WiFi Aceess Point with the BeagleBoneBlack from scratch.
If you surf the Internet, you can find several articles about the creation of a Wi Fi Access Point using the Beagle Bone Black. But going deeper and trying to transform what you read into a working device is another story. After wasting much time trying to realise an access point following the instructions found…
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